Taxi driver training (Accessible) and the Practical Driving Test
Prepare for your practical taxi driving test by having a training session or two before the test, failing the test can be both expensive and time consuming, it is not enough to simply turn up and drive! Your examiner will be looking for a high level of driving, good observational skills, passenger awareness and vehicle handling.
If you would like some professional training before you attend the test please contact us on 01933 622455 and leave a message for George Ritchie or contact him by email on
Accessible taxi driver training, if you are considering applying for your taxi licence or already have it and need to renew your licence we can assist with the practical skills exercise.
Most potential taxi drivers do not pass the wheelchair boarding and securing exercise because they have had no training, we can offer training and practice. You will need to provide a suitable wheelchair accessible taxi, we will provide the wheelchair and the training.
The main reasons for not passing the test are: –
- Failing to talk to the passenger
- Not using the tipping levers
- Not deploying ramp properly
- Not preparing the vehicle to recieve a wheelchair
- Failing to use the securing equipment properly and effectively
- Not securing the passenger with seatbelts
- Poor positioning of seatbelts
- Forgetting to use the wheelchair brakes when needed
- Failing to check the equipment once fitted
So you see there is a lot to think about and a lot to go wrong.
We can provide expert training, please call 01933 626455 and leave a message for George Ritchie along with your details or contact him be email on