Aug 25, 2022
Safe use of Mobility Scooters on pavements and roads. Mobility Scooters are a lifeline and can be the only means for people with walking difficulties and other disabilities to get around. Like all modes of transport there are rules, regulations and procedures that...
Jan 29, 2022
From the 29th January 2022 8 new rules come into force they are 1. Hierarchy of road users The introduction section of The Highway Code has been updated to include 3 new rules about the new ‘hierarchy of road users’. The hierarchy places those road users...
Dec 9, 2021
You may have read that the minibus test has changed recently, the changes are small and should not adversely affect your training, the main change is the manoeuvre has been outsourced to the private sector with the DVSA only conducting ‘last resort’ CPC 3...
Dec 9, 2021
With the scrapping of the towing test we shouldn’t be lulled into thinking that we can just hitch up and go. If you have never towed before there is a lot to learn and understand before you do. The law regarding towing has changed and now you can tow legally...
Mar 3, 2021
We are looking for Driving Instructors to join our team in the Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire areas. Ideally manual car trainers and especially for Bedford town area. We like to keep things simple at Three Shires Driving Centre Ltd, You provide a fully insured...
Mar 12, 2020
Have you heard of the Dutch Reach? Possibly not, it is a method to help protect cyclists from being hit by car doors opening on them. How does it work? well it is quite simple really, which ever seat you are sitting in use your opposite hand to open the vehicle door....